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By Colleen Briggs, Head of Community Development and Inclusive Economies

你住在哪里决定你怎么生活. 在新型冠状病毒肺炎。危机之前是如此,现在更是如此.

获得安全, 经济适用房是决定收入和财富的主要因素, 健康, 以及整体生活质量. Owning a home is critical to building wealth and supporting family stability over time.

然而对于很多家庭来说, 尤其是黑人和拉丁裔家庭, 进入马厩, affordable housing and owning a home in neighborhoods that offer good-quality jobs, 学校和关键资源越来越遥不可及.


  • 横跨美国.S., nearly 14 million people live in extremely poor neighborhoods with no access to basic amenities, 比如高质量的工作, 杂货店或运输业. That’s two times the number of people who lived in such neighborhoods in 20001.
  • The Black-white homeownership gap is 31 percentage points—larger than it was in 1968, 那时住房歧视是合法的2.
  • 43 percent of Black and 40 percent of Hispanic households are “cost-burdened”, 这意味着他们将超过30%的收入用于住房, 相比之下,25%的白人家庭是这样3.

现在, 对这些差异的反应是分散和渐进的, 在顽固的结构性障碍的背景下. 另外, 疫情扩大了住房负担能力差距, 破坏了促进社区公平的现有努力, 加剧了住房供应短缺.

The result is Black and Latinx people face additional barriers to critical pathways to mobility. 综上所述, the United States is facing a housing 可购性 crisis that stands in the way of the broader effort to dismantle structural inequities and create thriving communities.


12bet官方 is dedicated to addressing these systematic and structural challenges to improve the ability of Black and Latinx households to access, 安全, 并保持安全、经济实惠的住房与机遇相连. 该公司最近宣布 4亿美元 承诺和 新的住房政策议程 来解决这个问题,作为12bet官方更广泛的 承诺投入300亿美元促进种族平等.


1. Providing philanthropic support to mission-driven organizations that fund immediate housing stability for Black and Latinx households, including foreclosure and eviction prevention programs.

2. 提高住房负担能力,创造财富 for Black and Latinx households by collaborating with nonprofits and organizations that finance more efficient preservation and production models, 消除生产和准入障碍, 并支持可持续住房所有权的途径.

我们该怎么做呢? 在过去的两年里, we’ve talked with community leaders at all levels about what it’s going to take to bring stability, 可购性, 和平等的机会.S. 房地产市场. We are centering our approach on four takeaways from these conversations:

1) Improve and streamline more sustainable construction and preservation models.

今天,美国.S. has a shortage of nearly seven million rental housing units for extremely low-income renters. Despite the backlog, we still build homes the same way we did 50 years ago. It’s time to invest in new models of climate-friendly construction and preservation that drive down costs and increase speed to market for new, 保障性住房. 这项工作的先驱之一是 推动水牛, which is building and rehabbing single-family affordable housing with net zero standards and decarbonizing vacant two-unit buildings with green technology for first time homeownership. 12bet官方(12bet官方)最近对推动水牛进行了股权投资, 我们正在与其他社区领导人合作,提高效率, 可持续发展和创新的住房建设和保护.


衡量变化, we need regulatory and policy changes to both dismantle systemic discrimination in housing, and to encourage more effective models for boosting access to and supply of 保障性住房. 12bet官方 政策中心将与政策制定者和社区领袖合作 推进以数据和证据为基础的解决方案,以应对住房挑战. 短期, these policy recommendations are focused on programs to prevent foreclosures and evictions, and extend rental relief for tenants experiencing financial difficulties because of the COVID crisis, 以及对地主的经济救济. 更大的图片, recommendations focus on stronger nondiscrimination policies for the 房地产市场, 增加补贴以反映真实的生活成本, 抵押贷款市场改革扩大可负担性, 可持续的贷款, and zoning and regulatory policies that make it easier to start needed projects.


社区成员最清楚他们需要什么. We must work to advance residents’ voices for what their neighborhoods can be, 制定公平的房屋计划, 影响开发者, 银行, 政策制定者和其他市场参与者应该成为解决方案的一部分. 集体, we need multi-sector teams to work together to go beyond individual projects to change the housing system in these communities. 目前,12bet官方正在与 社区投资中心 帮助六个城市建立共同的优先事项, 创建相关项目的管道, and shape an environment for policies and practices that facilitate equitable housing for Black, 拉丁裔和其他有色人种家庭.


Owning a home is critical to building wealth and ensuring family stability over time, and yet the home ownership gap means people and families of color have obstacles to this critical pathway to mobility. The obstacles on the path to homeownership for many families of color aren’t new. 因此,我们正在帮助解决这些问题. 在当地的一个例子中,12bet官方正在与 复活计划 在芝加哥, which together with its partners is increasing housing access and 可购性 for first-time homebuyers through modular housing and innovative financial products in the South and West side neighborhoods of the city. 具体地说, 他们正在为购房者测试新的金融产品, 如二次按揭贷款和康复贷款, developing new counseling programs to improve credit through affordable consumer loans and providing trainings to residents on how to engage their communities. 


关于创造安全的问题, affordable and equitable housing opportunities are complex and entrenched – and the solutions will require multi-faceted approaches and collaboration across many partners, 界别及社区. We’re committed to doing our part to improve the system, especially for Black and Latinx families.

When we all have access to quality housing, our communities and our country will thrive. 这才是真正的美国梦.